Saturday 18 May 2013

"Strawberry slice" aka Erdbeerschnitte and Saturday market

Nice summery dessert or a companion for a cup of coffee

For the strawberry filling:
135 g strawberry puree 
           (100 g berries, 35 g Sugar)
6 g gelatine leaf
215 g heavy cream, whipped
250 g quark
180 g strawberries in pieces

For the vanilla cream filling:
400 g heavy cream, whipped
7 g gelatine leaf
35 g sugar (vanilla sugar to your taste)

Also needed:
puff pastry dough
icing sugar

I got the idea for this dessert from the Hotellerie et Gastronomie Zeitung, which is a newspaper published by Hotel and Gastro union in Switzerland. In the last number there was a recipe for millefeuilles aux fraises. I used that recipe as the ground recipe but did some changes to it: e.g. replacing some of the cream with quark.

I don't have a proper rectangle cake form so I used a 26 cm x 11 cm bread form which is not ideal because it's widens from the bottom to the top. Puff pastry dough I bought ready so I only needed to measure the desired rectangular size x 3 and bake the plates. After the they were done I sprinkled them with icing sugar and caramelized them in about 220 C in oven. When they were ready I brushed them with some coconut butter. I read that this should help to keep them crispy.

Strawberry filling: I used fresh strawberrys to make the puree and added the gelatin to the puree. This I then mixed with the whipped cream and quark. At the end I added the strawberry pieces

Vanilla cream: Super easy. Whip the cream and add the sugar. Small part of the sugar should be vanilla sugar and I just added some after my flavour...about 2 tsp I think. After soking the gelatin leaves I added them to an about 1/2 dl hot cream and mixed with the vanilla cream.

 I prepared the form with a piece of  baking parchment. When all the components were ready, I buildt the schnitte together: plate - strawberry cream - plate - vanilla cream - plate. When ready, I placed the whole thing to the freezer and next day I took it out to cut the desired size pieces. The nice thing with the Erdbeerschitte is that you can slice the desired amount of pieces and the rest you can place back in the  freezer for later days. I had some filling left over. That I just filled in two glasses with some fresh strawberries and that was our dessert for the evening.

Here are some impressions from today's Saturday market and winzerapero:

Winzerapero, a chance to taste some local wines
Saturday market

Saturday market

Cat picture of the day

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