Friday 20 March 2015

Almond biscotti

Toasted almonds and anise seeds for the biscotti

Almond biscotti

130 g eggs
130 g sugar
pinch of salt
240 g flour
5 g baking soda
18 g anise seeds
100 g almonds

Toast the almonds and anise seeds slightly. Combine baking soda and flour. Whip eggs, sugar and salt with the whip attachment into a thick white foam. Add the flour mixture. Add the almonds and anise seeds and mix until fully combined.

Form the dough into a log and place it on a baking sheet.

Bake at 150 celsius for about one hour. Let the log cool for some 20 minutes and cut it into about 1 cm thick slices.Place the slices on a baking try and and bake at 130 degrees for 15 minutes, turn them and bake for another 15 minutes until golden and dry. 

Enjoy with a cup of coffee :) 

Cutting the log into slices.

Before drying.

The next day. Enjoy!

Once again I bought something for our cooking book library: Bauernmarkt & Biokiste published by GU. I bought this book for ideas. This is a good one because every recipe has got a picture to it. I almost only buy cooking book with lots of pictures because they are the biggest inspiration. Some times one doesn't even need the actual recipe but rather just nice photo to build on.  This book also has got some nice recipes with wild plants but nothing too extreme or weirdo :)

The cover


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