Sunday 8 December 2013

Sunday: Orange sablés

Orange sablés with hazelnut

Last but not least: orange sablés. Don't know if they specially have something to do with Christmas but I wanted to do something with orange because I had some oranges slowly getting old. I took the basic recipe from Pauli which is like the bible for the Swiss cook trainees. I made couple of changes, of course.

Mix the dry ingredients

 Orange sablés

310 g butter
155 g icing sugar
60 g eggwhite
vanilla (seeds from pod or grinded)
pinch of salt
480 g wheat flour
1 box (100 g) candied orange peel (Vanini Orangeat)
zest of 2 oranges

* Cream the icing sugar and butter
* Add eggwhite
* Mix flour, vanilla, orange zest, candied orange, salt and
add to the batter and mix quickly to a dough.
* Let harden in the fridge
* Form bars and let harden again
* Brush the bars with eggwhite and roll in sugar
* Cut, place on the baking tray and add the hazelnut if wanted
* Bake at 180 Celsius for about 10 min.

Ready to be cooled down

Eggwhite and sugar

Before baking

They turned out nice, didn't they?

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