Friday 31 October 2014

Miscellaneous photos

Tangerines are getting bigger and bigger. The tree has now moved inside to our living room and is still doing great. The fruits are growing but haven't got yellow yet. I really hope we can taste them one day.

We did get lots of tomatos and I'm planning to plant some next year as well.

Habanero. I'm making some chili oil with these because they are sooooo spicy.

Thai chili


Funny's photo shooting

Xhosa couple of days after his surgery. He got hit by a car and his hip broke. This was in mid September. Now he can already walk but not perfect. And he is still not allowed to go out on his own.

Looking through the window to the terrace

We bought this bottle from South Africa and now we opened it to celebrate Xhosa's successful surgery.

Is it normal that in a two-person-household the fridge door looks like this?

Xhosa wants to go out

Finally outside in the sun

Funny eyes

Funny doing a cleaning

His shaved behind looks so funny :D

Ready for a patrol

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