Friday 9 August 2013

Here again

Woah, quite some time has passed since the last post. It's not that I haven't done anything in the kitchen but rather than I haven't been bothering to take photos or write about my/our doings. The whole July passed nicely in a lovely weather which of course meant lots of grilling for our small family. The thing I love about grilling is that the kitchen never seems to be quite as dirty as when everything gets cooked on the stove :D I'm pretty sure that every professional cook has the problem of trying to cook clean in a home environment.... some how too much stuff always ends up on to the floor ;D Salt, for example. We used to have an open salt on the kitchen table so that it would be easy to take a pinch of salt during cooking when ever needed. Well, every time I used it I wiped my hands on my trousers and guess what? Our floor ended up looking more like a salt mine than kitchen floor. No more open salt for me. And yes, I do wipe my hand too often to my trousers so it's alway better to use an apron. And now follows some cute photos:



Look at me I'm cute

Something's down there?

All that talk about the grilling so here's something to show for you

From up clockwise: Tzatziki, Aubergin dip and Taboulé

Lamb cevapi a la Hubby: Super good!

In Finland for the first of May we always make some Munkki, which is basically a doughnut. Somehow I never came to it to do them this year. Some weeks ago at work I suddenly got this huge craving of Munkki and desided to bake some. They turned out pretty nice.


5 dl milk
50 g yeast
1 1/2 dl sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp salt
2 tsp cardamon
about 14 dl wheat flour
100 g butter

Roll the ready doughnuts in sugar or cinnamon sugar

Rising up

Getting deep-fried

Freshly deep-fried munkki (doughnut), I love them!

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