During last weeks every time my Hubby visits his granny he comes back with a big box of red currats. I do like to eat them fresh but not too much at once because they are quite sour. Some of them I have already frozen down but we only have a limited space in our freezer so the rest has to be processed in some other way. I would also never say no to fresh berries when somebody wants to give me some so I just have to make something nice out of them.
In the work I just baked strawberry roulade for lunch dessert so that gave me the idea to use my red currants for a sweet and fresh summer dessert:
Base for the Roulade:
5 small or 4 big eggs
110 sugar
pinch of salt
110 g wheat flour
Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Froth the yolks with about half of the sugar. Froth the whites with the salt and rest of the sugar. Fold the flour and egg white foam into the yolk foam. Bake at 200 C for about 8 minutes.
2 dl pastry cream
2 dl cream, whipped
1 pack Rahmhalter "cream stiffener"
2 dl red currant puree
30 g sugar
4 gelatin leaves
You can use a ready pastry cream if you want. I have tried Coop's Cremepulver für Patisserie which is quite okay. I also have a very good recipe for the pastry cream and maybe I will post it later. Prepare the pastry cream. Whip the cream, Rahmhalter and add sugar. If you don't use Rahmhalter, you will need more gelatin. Soak the gelatin leaves. Puree the red currant and pass through the sieve. Heat a small amount of the puree and add the gelatin leaves to it. Add the rest of the puree to the hot puree-gelatin mixture to cool it down a bit. Add the puree to the pastry cream. At last add the whipped cream. Fill the roulade and let it set preferably till the next day in the fridge. I had too much filling so I served the left over with fresh red currants as an evening snack. Decorate the roulade as you wish and serve. Roulade can also easily be prepared before hand and fozen down for later use.